• Source : ASDMA

Assam State Action Plan on Climate Change (2015-2020)

Draft Report September 2015

The world today is faced with the challenge of sustaining economic growth while ensuring environmental conservation. Climate Change is a serious environmental threat to humanity and has implications for sustainable development. Our climate is already changing. Along with continued warming of the atmosphere, erratic rainfall pattern are emerging and as result new patterns of droughts and floods are being observed, which are likely to get more frequent and severe in future given the warming of the earth because of the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases. 
The state of Assam has reason to be concerned about Climate Change, as we have a large population dependent on agriculture and forests for livelihood. The state’s economy is also dependent on natural resources and any adverse impact on these and allied sectors will negate our efforts to alleviate poverty and ensure sustainable livelihood for the population. This is an opportune time to integrate the concerns of Climate Change into our policies and ensure ultimate objective of sustainable development with inclusive growth. 
While engaging with national policies and programmes it is important for us to develop well researched and formulated mitigation and adaptation strategies specific to the state to respond effectively to the possible impacts of Climate Change. To address the changing climatic conditions State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) has been developed by the Government of Assam. 
The State Action Plan on Climate Change has flagged important issues which require attention. The action plan has highlighted key sectoral concerns and strategies for action in order to lead the way. 
The issue of Climate Change is multidisciplinary and demands cross sectoral convergence which requires interdepartmental coordination as well as constructive engagement with all the concerned stakeholders. The Government of Assam would continue to strive to mainstream Climate Change concerns across all the sectors for achieving the objective of sustainable development. Therefore a special pupose vehicle is being created – the Assam Climate Change Management Society that will facilitate the implementation of the SAPCC. 

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