• Source : ASDMA

Drawing up a good Capacity-building programme for Disaster Management.

This module shall be used by a trainer involved in conducting courses on landslides risk management. The following individuals / organizations are the potential users of this module.  Geologists, Civil/Mining/Hydel Engineers, Field Professionals, Architects/ Planners, Developers, Environmentalists (in Hilly Terrains)  NDMA, SDMA, DDMAs. Geological Survey of India, State Departments of Geology and Mines, Academicians, Researchers and Professionals working on landslides  Disaster Management Centres at State ATIs & SIRDs  NGOs, CBOs, SHGs, Social Volunteers, Public Representatives  NDRF, SDRF, QRTs, RRFs, paramilitary and military Administration, Local Bodies like Municipality and Panchayats NSS, NYKS, NCC, Scouts and Guides, Home Gaurds, civil defense and Fire Fighters Field Agencies like Border Roads, PWD, NHAI, PGCL, NHPC, THDC, NTPC, Irrigation and Flood Control etc. Stakeholders in Insurance, Finance, Planning, Policy, Development and Legal Sectors  

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