E-Waste (Management)Rules, 2016

1. Strengthen support within relevant global, regional, national and local institutions for reducing risks at World Heritage properties
Global actors for disaster reduction should give more consideration to cultural and natural heritage among the issues to be considered when defining their strategic goals and planning their development cooperation activities. At the same time, general disaster reduction strategies at regional, country and local levels must take into account and integrate concern for world cultural and natural heritage in their policies and implementation mechanism

2. Use knowledge, innovation and education to build a culture of disaster prevention at WH properties
The building of a culture of prevention, at all levels, is one of the key elements for a successful disaster reduction strategy. Experience shows that reacting a posteriori, especially as far as heritage is concerned, is an increasingly ineffective way of responding to the needs of people affected by disasters. Training education and research, including on relevant traditional knowledge, are the most effective ways of developing a culture of preparedness. This particular area of actions fits entirely within the broader mandate of UNESCO as the UN intellectual arm, in particular for establishing global knowledge networks

3. Identify, assess and monitor disaster risks at WH properties
The first step to reduce disasters and mitigating their impact is the identification of possible risk factors, including from global agents such as climate change. The vulnerabilities from disasters to World Heritage properties must be therefore identified, assessed in their level of priority and closely monitored, so as to inform the appropriate risk management strategies

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