The village Danguapara is located in the northern part of National Highway no 31. The village is bounded by adjacent villages like in east- Burinagar village,in west –Suradi village, in North-Banabhag Solmari and in South –Banekuchi revenue village. The total area of the village is about 288 Hectare. As per land record the village possess 205 Bigha 4 Kotha & 6 Lacha and PattaLand 1957 Bigha 7 Lecha. Area of wetland is 21 Bigha 2 Kotha and 14 Lecha. The village does not have any reserve forest. The total household of the village is 432 and as per census 2011 population of village is 2305 out of which male population is 1181 and female population is 1124. The village does not have ST population. Literacy rate of the village is 79.35%. Danguapara village consist of four habitations viz- Pashim Danguapara, Pedapara, Kakotipara and Bargasa. Population consists of both Hindu and Muslim. The village is dominated by General category of people followed by OBC and SC.
The village has 3 nos of LP Schools, 3 nos of ME Schools, 1 Private High School , 1 Navoday School , and 1 Art School ( Private) . The village has some social and religious institutions like 7 nos of Namghar, 1 no’s of Masjid, 2 no’s of Sangha and 1 Boa Kota Samabai Samittee. There is two VGR in the village – One at Borgasa habitation and another one is at Danguapara habitation. Jari river (A large channel) flows the bordering end in the west of the village. People use it as a source of fishing. Moreover community said that the river was used as source of drinking water about 50 years back.
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