• Source : Columbia University in the City of New York

Sustainable SLWM in India (Columbia University )

Indonesia is one of the countries worst hit by natural disasters during the last few years and will most likely be confronted with very significant effects of climate change in the future. Against this background a Workshop on “Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaption”, which took place from 23 until 25 November 2009 at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, seemed to be appropriate and useful. DAAD, which financially supported the workshop would very much like to thank  UNU-EHS, a research entity within the United Nations system, for its initiative in organizing this international PhD workshop for young researchers from Indonesia and other South and Southeast Asian countries.

With financial support to this Workshop, DAAD continues its commitment to help Indonesia and other countries to mitigate, respond to and overcome disasters. It is a fact, however, that natural hazards like the Indian Ocean tsunami catastrophe in 2004 cannot be prevented totally. But we can manage and limit impacts including loss of life, injury, loss of homes and loss of livelihoods; to give an example the tsunami early warning system (TEWS), and public education about DRR will help create safer communities. Therefore, the development of scientific concepts and strategies for DRR is very important and an increasing priority.

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