- Integration of Emergency Helpline Number-108
- Guwahati Emergency Management Exercise
- Great Assam School Shakeout (2010, 2011, 2012)
- National School Safety Programme (NSSP)
- GIS Mapping Utilities & Infrastructures for Assam
- Flood Hazard Atlas of Assam
- International Day for Disaster Reduction, 2012
- Flood Early Warning System (FLEWS)
- Status Survey of Hospitals & School Buildings in Guwahati City and Retrofitting Solutions
- Disaster Risk Reduction, including Climate Change Adaptation of Guwahati in the Context of Dynamic Growth
- Water Resource and Flood & Erosion Risk Mitigation Planning in Assam
- Hazard, Risk, Vulnerability Assessment
- Study on Flood Damage Mitigation Measures for Barak Valley in South Assam Including Effects of Climate Change
- Literature Survey for Earthquake Hazard Assessment studies related to NE Region
- Critical Analysis of existing Seismic Micro-zonation Study of Guwahati City
- Landslide Hazard Risk Mitigation for Guwahati City
- Operationalization of District Disaster Response and Information Centre
- Operationalization of Revenue Circle Level Disaster Information & Response Centre
- Constitutions of Quick Response Teams
- Formation of SDRF
- Apartment Society Sensitization Programme
- Involvement of NGO with ASDMA & DDMA
- Incident Response System (IRS) in Assam