• Source : asdma

An impact evaluation of ShakeOut, an earthquake and tsunami drill in two coastal Washington state school districts

GNS Science Report 2013/19May

Urban seismic risk in Guwahati is increasing with population growth and the encroachment of vulnerable built-environment into areas susceptible to seismic hazard. The city lies in zone V and is the gateway to seven north-eastern states. Department of Science and Technology lOST) initiated the seismic microzonation of the Guwahati city. The main objective of the project has been to present hazard mapIs) for seismic hazard assessment of the city. The work on geological, seismological and geotechnical zonation are completed, which are overlaid on each other on GIS platform - towards formation of a hazard map. As a part of this project an inventory of building data has been developed, wherein, alarge sample of more than 8000 buildings have been surveyed physically along with mapping of 85000 buildings from satellite data, which represents building types scattered over 60 municipal wards. To bring this whole exercise to a meaningful logical conclusion for engineering use it is of utmost important to overlay of the building vulnerability data on various hazard maps prepared under microzonation project to evaluate risk maps to manage seismic disaster reduction measures, including preparedness, seismic retrofit, emergency response activities and city planning.

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