• Source : Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, the (GFDRR) World Bank, the (WB)

City Strength diagnostic: methodological guidebook

Resilient Cities Program

This Summary Report addresses the key findings of the Sendai Framework Data Readiness Review, a review of the readiness of countries to report against the global targets of the Sendai Framework. Effective monitoring of progress in achieving the global targets of the Sendai Framework and disasterrelated SDGs, is predicated on the availability, accessibility, quality and applicability of multiple datasets. These data are collected from multiple sources via numerous mechanisms, including but not restricted to national disaster loss accounting systems, national statistical systems, household surveys and routine administrative data. Qualitative and quantitative data will be required, and could be supplemented by Earth observations (EO) and geospatial information (GI) for example. The first cycle of monitoring progress in implementing the Sendai Framework (which will exceptionally cover the two biennia 2015-2016 and 2017-2018) will be launched in early 2018, ending in March 2019. Feasibility and quality will be dependent upon the availability and accessibility of the required data; data that will need to be sufficiently consistent and comparable to allow meaningful measurement of progress and impact.  The findings of the Review provide an indication of the considerable work that will need to be undertaken for countries to be able to monitor the agreed indicators in the manner anticipated by the two intergovernmental working groups – the OIEWG and the IAEG-SDGs. 

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