This case study highlights the chronic vulnerability to flooding that affects millions of people in Bihar, India, on a regular basis. It explains how their lives and livelihoods are affected and outlines some of the causes of their vulnerability. However, it also emphasises the positive impact that an Indian NGO is having in supporting and motivating vulnerable groups to cope with the flooding and find ways to reduce this recurrent risk of disaster. The principles of addressing vulnerability and its causes within Bihar, as demonstrated here, can be adapted and applied to suit other contexts.
Discipleship Centre (DC), a Delhi-based Indian NGO, has been implementing development programmes in the Dharbanga district of North Bihar for over ten years. In response to the devastating effects of flooding in 2002, DC responded with relief work in five villages. Recognising the need for vulnerability reduction in these areas, it began a Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness (DMP) programme in October 2002 to reduce the impact of flooding and address the causes of vulnerability.