• Source : OneWorld Foundation India

Fire Alert Messaging System in Madhya Pradesh, December 2010

The state of Assam as a whole can be categorized as a flood prone state and Sonitpur district is situated in the northern plain agro-climatic zone of the state.The river Brahmaputra flows along the entire southern border of district with its tributaries criss-crossing through the district in the north to south direction. The district experiences a hot and humid climate with moderate to heavy rainfall. The northern part of the district receives comparatively higher rainfall due to its location near the Himalayan foothill.

The major disaster related problem of Sonitpur district is flood which has been ravaging unabatedly since time immortal. Gohpur Revenue Circle is annually affected bynatural disasters like flood, erosion and storms of which the flood and erosion are most devastating causing great loss of standing crops, damage to public property like roads, schools, houses etc.

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