• Source : ASDMA


Flood Hazard Atlas

The Dalok village is located under AgiaGaonPanchayat of Balijana revenue circle under Balijana Dev. Block. It is about 13 K.M away from District Headquarter. The village is constituted by three habitations called Dalok, Haldibari and Bokdo. Composition of the village consists of Hindu (Rajbongshi) and Christian (Garo) tribes. According to the community there is no written history of the village. But there is a story which is prevalent and being shared by the villagers that earlier people used to livein scattered form on the foothills of AjagarPahar located in the southern part of the village. Once  Mughal Army General Mirjumllah  crossed the river Brahmaputra and attacked on the southern part , which resulted into the people to unite against the Mughal army   (Scattered : One of the  Assamese meaning of scattered is Dale Dale ) in order to prevent the entry of Mughal Army  in their village. People believed that the word “Dalok” thus emerged out. The river Jinjiram flows in parallel direction of Brahmaputra across the village from east to west. Agriculture, Pig Farming, Rubber Plantation, daily wage earner, are the main source of incomes of the villager and a very few people are there with govt. job holder.

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