The Pune Municipal Corporation came up with a unique community driven in-situ slum upgradation project under Basic Services to the Urban Poor (BSUP) scheme of Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM).This project reconizes the prevailing concerns of the urban poor and thereby integrates the community in its planning and implementation process. The uniqueness of the project lies in its in-situ design that allows the locals to have houses with all the basic amenities in their own settlements without bearing the brunt of being uprooted to a government imposed outskirt. every household was designed in consultation with the future residents of the houses. . The project gave special emphasis on the sanitation, hygiene, ventilation and lighting requirement of the comunity. The highlight of the project is its provision of secure tenure for the slum dwellers, otherwise living with the constant insecurity of being uprooted by the government.
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