The agriculture sector recorded satisfactory growth due to improved technology, irrigation, inputs and pricing policies. Lives tock, poultry, fisheries and horticulture are surging ahead in production growth in recent years and will have greater demand in the future. Industrial and service sectors have expanded faster than agriculture sector resulting in declining share of agriculture in national accounts. Despite the structural change, agriculture still remains a key sector, providing both employment and livelihood opportunities to more than 70 percent of the country's population who live in rural areas. The contribution of small farmers to the national and household food security has been steadily increasing. The water availability for agricultural uses has reached a critical level and deserves urgent attention of all concerned.
The debate on fertilizer subsidy, as well as all other agricultural subsidies in India, should be examined against the backdrop of India’s overall economic situation, the prominence farmers and the agricultural sector in India’s political economy, and recent trends in the Indian agricultural economy. This paper presents socioeconomic data on the Indian economy, particularly its farm sector, and discusses issues related to fertilizer production and use.
It also provides an overview of the growth rate, holding size, and indebtedness of the farm sector in India.