Of the many concerns shared by the SAARC countries in the area of disaster management, Landslide Risk Management deserves to be placed high on its priority agenda for many compelling reasons. It is a part of their global commitment and obligation to posterity. The world looks up to the SAARC countries for direction and leadership in this area because no other region is directly exposed to such a bewildering variety of landslides and other mass movements. SAARC carries a remarkable weight of experience with the Himalayas, the youngest, largest, highest, densely populated, and the most dominating mountain system in the world. The Himalayas, now under severe environmental strain, support more than 140 million people directly and another one billion people downstream, living under perennial threat of landslides. It is worthy of note that a landslide follows the same natural laws regardless of the country and its place of occurrence. It knows no territorial boundaries. And the best way to manage landslide risks is to act together with shared vision and common strategy, simultaneously as the national capacities are built. The daunting challenge of landslide risk management which currently appears to be beyond the capacity of any individual SAARC country to meet seems well within their collective grasp.
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