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Wise use of wetlands

Concepts and approaches for the wise use of wetlands

Prior to the boom of the readymade garments industry, there were not many places where poor rural women could find employment in Bangladesh. Most of them who were able to find work were in the agricultural and the informal sector. The readymade garments industry opened up a new avenue of employment for rural women. At a superficial level, it may seem that the readymade garments industry has changed the fate of rural women in Bangladesh drastically because it pays more and is also more secure compared to the work they did back home in their  villages. By comparing the women garment workers’ situation before and after they started to work in this sector, this essay aims to demonstrate that the miserable state of the women garment workers has actually not changed much. In fact, in some cases things have gotten even more difficult. The harsh realities of the women garment workers of Rana Plaza, victims of one of the worst human-made disaster in recent times, are also a sign of a hidden disaster that they will face for the rest of their lives. This implies that these women workers face an uncertain future and have to deal with trauma for the rest of their lives.

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