Road Show
ASDMA conducted a series of road show in different locations of the city. Key messages on Preparedness and Mitigation measures for earthquake, Landslide and Urban Flood were conveyed to the residents of the city through the road show.
The vehicle was branded with ASDMA logo and had a LED projector on one side and a library like section on the other side which carried various publications and IEC materials.
The Vehicle also had CC camera to find out and record the response of the common people.
As the vehicle moved through the city it stopped in various location, interacted with the crowd, conducted interesting quiz on disaster Management and distributed goodies. It drew huge gathering and was widely appreciated by the people. Leaflets were also distributed among the people.
Mall Activity
ASDMA in association with Prodigy Communication conducted a Mall Activity on September 5, 2012 at Big Bazar, Guwahati to ensure greater exposure of the key messages on Preparedness and Mitigation measures for Earthquake and Fire to a wider audience in a participative manner.
The show was facilitated by Anchors and an Activity Set-up at the venue.The total number of viewers was about 3000 and a number of about 1000 people were reached out for interactions by the anchors. The anchors performed demos on drop-cover-hold methods in front of the viewers.
Participants also volunteered to perform the same.
Act on Fire safety by puppet show was conducted to pull more viewers and video show on earthquake Safety was also shown to the viewers by Sand Animation.
Slogan Competition
ASDMA organized a Slogan Competition on Earthquake Safety and Urban Flood Preparedness in both the languages of English and Assamese. More than 200 entries were received and were placed before the Evaluation Committee on 16th May, 2012 comprising Dr. D. Udaya Kumar, IIT, Guwahati, Dr.AnkuranDutta, K. K. Handique Open University, Dr.ChandanGoswami, Department of Jounalism, Gauhati University, and P.K.Saikia, Directorate of Information and Public Relation. The winners in each category were awarded with Rs 5000/-. Best entries are as follows:-
SL NO. |
1 |
Earthquake - English |
Dr. Manoj Saha |
When earthquakes strike Don�t panic in fright Be strong n Be bold Do the �DROP-COVER-HOLD� |
2 |
Earthquake - Assamese |
None of the Entries were found suitable for confering the awards |
3 |
Urban Flood Preparedness- English |
Pallavi Gogoi |
"Regulated drains, tension- free rains." |
4 |
Urban Flood Preparedness- Assamese |
Mehgna Choudhury |
"Nadi Nalabur Jate Pariskar Hoi Hei Nagarat Nai Banpani Bhoi" |
Street Plays on Earthquake Safety
As a part of the awareness programme, ASDMA in collaboration with DIPR undertook a series of Street Plays on Earthquake Safety starting from April 23, 2012 in the various locations of Guwahati.
The Street Plays were conducted in the following venues:
Sl. No. |
Date |
Venue |
1 |
23-4-2012 |
a) Regional Science Centre, Khanapara
c) Commerce College, Guwahati
2 |
24-4-2012 |
a) Narengi M.E. School
Machkhowa M.E. School
Nehru Park
Near Food bazar Rehabari
Opposite Big Bazar
ASTC Bus Stand, Paltanbazar
3 |
4-6-2012 |
a) Assam Secretariat Complex |
The Street Plays started off at the Regional Science Centre, Khanapara commemorating Earth day on April 23, 2012. The play was performed in the presence of a large gathering of school students. School routines with earthquake messages were distributed among the students. Engineering Consultant from ASDMA made a presentation on ‘Know Disaster, No Disaster’ before the students.
Subsequently, the Street Plays were staged in other parts of the city and culminated at the premises of Assam Secretariat Complex in the presence of Shri PrithiviMajhi, Minister, Revenue and Disaster Management, Shri Atul Chaturvedi, CEO, ASDMA, Shri PabanBorthakur, Commissioner and Secretary, Finance Department and other officials of State Secretariat.
Workshop on Mainstreaming Media into Disaster Risk Reduction
Media throughout the world plays a vital role in educating the public about disasters; warning of hazards; gathering and transmitting information about affected areas; alerting government officials, relief organizations, and the public to specific needs; and facilitating discussions about disaster preparedness and response. Hence, it is an important medium through which the community can be made aware for initiating timely action so that the impact can be reduced and lives can be saved.
Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA) therefore, in order to strengthen the working relationship with the Media organized a workshop on 9th April, 2012 with the following broad objectives:
- Discuss the role and importance of media in generating public awareness on Disaster Risk Reduction.
- Discuss the reporting of disaster events and the role of media.
- Develop better coordination between the media and Government.
Shri V.K.Pipersenia, Principal Secretary, Revenue and Disaster Management Department, welcomed the participants to the workshop and stressed on the need to develop a working relationship to take the agenda of Disaster Management forward.
The inaugural session was also attended by Shri Atul Chaturvedi, CEO, ASDMA and Shri PrasantaRajguru, Executive Editor, ‘Amar Asom’.
Over 90 media professional from various newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV channels covering various English, Assamese, Bengali, Hindi, Bodo and Manipuri media attended the workshop.
Shri PrasantaRajguru acknowledged that media has an important role to play in the warning of disasters and thereby help in minimizing the losses. He raised the following issues in his address:
- Creation of databases of different aspects relating to disaster management.
- Need for organizing of more such workshops in the future
- Sensitization programmes in the newsdesks of the media houses
- Designating a nodal person in every media house to deal with matters related to disaster management
- Circulating the list of names of experts dealing with disaster management. These experts can be approached for conveying accurate information relating to any disaster to the people.
- Need for judicial balancing of people’s priority and media priority so that people can be saved and loss of property and assets can be minimized.
- Need for media houses, especially television, to be selective in inviting the right person for any deliberations regarding disaster management.
- It is the responsibility of the media to make balanced reporting regarding distribution of relief to the effected communities thereby preventing the spread of any kind of news which may create a rift among people.
A panel discussion was held after the inaugural session and the technical resource persons were Shri Sanjoy Hazarika, Eminent Columnist and Director of CNES, JamiaMiliaIslamia University, Ms.Teresa Rehman, Media Consultant, Shri Samudra Gupta Kashyap, Special Correspondent, Indian Express, Dr.Nirmal Kr Choudhury, former Vice Chancellor of Gauhati University and Shri Abdul Khaleque , Press Secretary to the Chief Minister.
Shri Sanjoy Hazarika stressed that it is the responsibility of the media people to acquire knowledge on basic information relating to the essential questions on a disaster.
Ms. Teresa Rehman, Media Consultant, highlighted on utilities of modern ICT tools and platform for better management of Information in order to support resilience.
Shri Samudra Gupta Kashyap, special correspondent of Indian Express stressed on the need to have more interactions especially at the district level. He said that it is essential that the media persons should be well acquainted with the basic information relating to a disaster, the source of information and the person to be contacted to provide the right information.
Dr.Nirmal Kr Choudhury, former Vice Chancellor of Gauhati University addressed the occasion saying that the media and the Government should maintain a good co-ordination so as to deal with disaster management aspects.
The panel discussion on developing better coordination between the Media and Government was an integral part of the Workshop. The discussion was interactive and various suggestions were made by different persons from the media on bridging the gaps so that there is a free flow of information which would greatly benefit the public.
In the course of the panel discussion, Shri V.K.Pipersenia, Principal Secretary, Revenue and Disaster Management, conveyed that as per the requests from the media, the Authority will work on future training of the media personnel on issues relating to Disaster Management. The programmes will be designed taking into consideration the need emerging from these areas. He therefore, appealed to the media to help ASDMA in designing these programmes and ensuring participation.
Exhibitions Stall
Asom Sahitya Sabha Exhibition
Another exhibition was carried out at the 72nd Session of AsomSahityaSabha in Barpeta fromJanury31- February 5, 2013.Various IEC materials of ASDMA were displayed at the exhibition and about 1650 people visited the stall. A Quiz Programme was conducted and the winners were awarded with gifts like cups and pens embossed with ASDMA Logo. Volunteer registration was also carried out at the exhibition.
NE Book fair Exhibition
ASDMA carried out an exhibition at 14th North East Book Fare in Guwahati from December 30, 2012 - January 10, 2013 on Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials and reports published by ASDMA and about 1000 people visited the stall. A Quiz Programme on different aspects of Earthquake, Flood and Landslides was conducted among the interested people who visited the 14thNorth East Book Fare in Guwahati. The winners were awarded with gifts like cups and pens embossed with ASDMA Logo.
Exhibition at the Water Conference
An exhibition was carried out on the various Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials and reports published by ASDMA from December 28-30, 2012 at ManiramDewan Trade Centre, Guwahati. This was carried out as a part of the National Seminar on "Earthquake Hazards: Education, Preparedness and Management" organized by Environmental Watch and Management Institute sponsored by Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India.
ASDMA Foundation Day celebration
Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA) that was constituted on March 23, 2007, as per provision of Section 14 (2) of National Disaster Management Act, 2005 became fully functional in 2010 with establishment of a fully functional Secretariat and the formation of District Disaster Management Authorities in all the districts of Assam. Since the inception of the Authority, it has undertaken several initiatives for bringing about a paradigm shift in disaster management approach from the post disaster relief centric approach to prevention, mitigation and preparedness.
Some of the notable achievements of ASDMA
Foundation Day of ASDMA on March 23, 2013, was celebrated at the State Headquarter as well as the DDMAs ofall the districts in Assam with an objective to highlight the endeavours of the Authority and to disseminate safety messages to the masses by undertaking several activities through out the State.
ASDMA at the Headquarter celebrated the Foundation Day in co-ordination with District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA), Kamrup Metropolitan district. To mark the day, a rally was organized with the objective to disseminate safety messages to the masses. The rally was flagged off by Shri PrithviMajhi, Hon’ble Minister, Revenue and Disaster Management Department. Shri V.P.Pipersenia, Additional Chief Secretary, Govt. of Assam, Shri AushotoshAgnihotri, Deputy Commissioner, Kamrup Metropolitan District and other senior officials of District Administration was also present at the occasion. The rally that was flagged off at the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Kamrup Metropolitan District ended at theAssam Engineering Institute Auditorium, Chandmari. A number 200 participants and 60 cyclists including volunteers from Civil Defence and National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) personnel took part in the rally. Placards with safety messages on earthquake, landslides and urban flood were displayed by the participants.
DDMAs of all the districts also celebrated the day through various awareness generation programmes like Public meeting, Street plays, Poster making Competition, Rallies, Mock Drill, Quiz and Drawing competition.
International Day for Disaster Reduction (IDDR), 2013
ASDMA observed the International Day for Disaster Reduction (IDDR) on October 13 with the aim of promoting the culture of preparedness for disasters in order to build a disaster resilient State. The UN General Assembly sees the day as a way to promote a global culture of disaster reduction, including disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness. The observance of the day started in 1989 with the approval by the United Nations General Assembly. The theme for 2013 was “Living with Disability & Disasters”. The day was organised throughout the State by organizing activities like Quiz, workshops, infotainment using traditional media, street plays and road show keeping the needs of differently abled people into consideration.
In Guwahati City, ASDMA in association with DDMA, Kamrup Metro celebrated the International Day for Disaster Reduction by organizing a series of programme. The celebration started with a Walk-a-thon starting off at Office of the Deputy Commissioner (Metro) and ending at the Judges Field. The participants were provided T-Shirts; and banners and placards were displayed on messages on disability and disasters. After the Walk-a-thon, the participants gathered at Shishu Sarothi, Birubari where a workshop was held and participated by representatives from government and civil society organizations along with differently abled people. A Demonstration on the techniques of fire safety was also carried out on the occasion by Fire and Emergency Services and SDRF. Street plays were also carried out in a few prominent places of the city viz. Khanapara, Maligaon, Railway Station, Platan Bazar etc. by Don Bosco Institute of Social Sciences.